Hello, my name is Geraldine. I am originally from Santa Barbara, California. I moved out to Austin,Texas back in March of this year because California was to expensive to raise kids. I live with my boyfriend and our five boys who are six, five, four, three, and one. I am currently going to school to earn my Associates Degree in Kinesioligy and Health Science; my ultimate goal is to transfer to St.Edwards University and earn my Bachelors Degree in Nursing.I am a veteran of the U.S. Army and have recently started to take advantage of the programs that are offered to me. I have never voted because I always thought my vote wouldn't matter and I could never make up my mind. My other reason behind it was when everything went bad I could be able to say well I didn't vote for him. I am a lot older now and my views on politics and the way our government is run has changed because of everything I have experienced. I deployed to Iraq in 2009 I was their when we went from Operation Iraqui Freedom to Operation Endurance Freedom. I didn't like what I saw happen during this time I thought it was pointless but as a Soldier I had to do what I was told. Going through what I went through was like a slap in the face or a dose of reality.I want to have a better understanding of the effects of politics and how government impacts our daily life. I am coming into this class with an open mind and ready to learn something new.